Get On Top Of Your Sleep Schedule With The Sleep Calculator

Sleep Calculator

Your Sleep Schedule

Recommended Bedtimes
Sleep Cycles
REM Sleep
Light Sleep
Deep Sleep
REM Sleep
Light Sleep
Deep Sleep
Sleep Tips

In the modern age where hustle culture and smartphones rule, prioritizing sleep is an afterthought. But sleep is very important for good health, besides proper diet and exercise. The general recommendation for most is 8 hours. In reality, the optimal sleep time varies as you age. Try our comprehensive sleep calculator to help you find your ideal sleep schedule.

How Does The Sleep Calculator Work?

There are three parameters to enter. The time you want to wake up, your age, and the time you typically go to bed. Based on this data, the sleep calculator will provide the best sleep schedule for you. For example, if your age is 30, you come under the 18 to 64 age bracket. Based on this, you will need about 7 to 9 hours of sleep. To get up at 6 am, you must go to bed at 10:15 PM for 7.5 hours of sleep, keeping a buffer of 15 minutes before you fall asleep.

What Is A Sleep Cycle?

When talking about sleep schedules, the term sleep cycle is used often. But what does it mean exactly? Sleep cycles cover all stages of sleep, including light, deep sleep and REM sleep. Each sleep cycle lasts about 90 minutes. An adult must go through at least 5 to 6 sleep cycles to wake up refreshed. Any sleep calculator online will take this into account before presenting the perfect schedule.
Coming to the different stages, light sleep is the initial state where brain activity is high. The next is deep sleep, where brain activity slows down and the body performs most of its restorative work such as repairing muscles and tissues. The last is Rapid Eye Movement sleep or REM sleep, where brain activity increases once again. This is when you dream the most. REM sleep is critical for long-term memory.

Sleep Recommendations By Age

According to the CDC, here is an approximate guideline for hours of sleep based on different age ranges:

0-3 Months: Minimum of 14 hours to maximum of 17 hours
4-11 Months: Minimum of 12 hours to maximum of 16 hours
1-2 Years: Minimum of 11 hours to maximum of 14 hours
3-5 Years: Minimum of 10 hours to maximum of 13 hours
6-12 Years: Minimum of 9 hours to maximum of 12 hours
13-18 Years: Minimum of 8 hours to maximum of 10 hours
18-64 Years: Minimum of 7 hours to maximum of 9 hours
65 Years And Older: Minimum of 7 hours to maximum of 8 hours

This is why our sleep calculator uses age as a parameter to provide a more accurate sleep schedule.

How To Evaluate My Sleep?

With all the data above, how can you evaluate your sleep hygiene? Apart from using a sleep calculator online, keep the following questions in mind:

- How do I feel at 7 hours of sleep, versus say 8 or 9 hours?
- Do I ever feel drowsy during the day?
- Am I dependent on caffeine to keep me up during the day?
- Has my partner noticed anything unusual with my sleeping habits and patterns?

Why Is Sleep So Important?

Some of you reading this might wonder, why focus so much on sleep? There are numerous adverse effects connected with sleep deprivation, requiring the use of a sleep calculator. They are divided into three categories:

Physical Effects

Physical effects are further divided into short-term and long-term effects. Some common short-term effects include drowsiness, headaches, development of prominent dark circles under the eyes, and paler skin. Long-term effects can take the form of compromised immunity, high cortisol levels, increased cravings for foods rich in fat and sugar, adverse changes in weight and skin and much more. Using a sleep calculator and getting on top of your sleep schedule can help avoid this.

Mental Effects

Like physical effects, mental effects are also divided into emotional effects and long-term mental health effects. By not using a sleep calculator, you run the risk of sleep deprivation. It can result in abrupt mood swings, and difficulty managing emotions and stress. It can also impair your ability to communicate with others. Long-term mental health impacts include the development of depression, different anxiety disorders, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, also known as ADHD.

Cognitive Effects

Sleep deprivation also has a negative impact on the brain’s frontal lobe, leading to cognitive decline. This can take the form of poor attention, alertness, changes in memory, and compromised decision-making. This cognitive impact can negatively affect work or school, and can even lead to accidents in some cases.

Tips To Fix A Compromised Sleep Schedule

With the right recommendations from a sleep calculator online, all you require is some guidelines on how to fix your sleep schedule. Here are a few tips to get you started:

Keep A Constant Sleep Schedule: The best long-term strategy is to keep your sleep and wake-up time constant. This applies to weekends and holidays as well. Follow this and you will see a massive improvement in weeks.

Pay Attention To Where You Sleep: Make your bedroom a sleep sanctuary. This means no cell phones or electronics are allowed inside your bedroom. Ensure it is dark, cool, and quiet to help facilitate sleep. 

Create A Bedtime Routine: What you do before going to bed is also vital. For an ideal sleep routine, try to avoid bright lights before bed. From a dietary standpoint, avoid large meals, alcohol and coffee before hitting the sack. 

Add Exercise To Your Daily Routine: Any form of exercise or physical activity can go a long way to help you sleep at night. Make sure you finish any exercise at least 5 hours before your bedtime.

Add A Daytime Nap If Possible: Naps are great for boosting energy levels during the day. But it shouldn’t exceed 30 minutes, or you might end up groggy.

The Takeaway

A sleep calculator is an excellent tool for optimizing your sleep. This is important as not prioritizing your sleep can have numerous physical, mental, and cognitive effects. Lastly, following the tips mentioned above can help get your sleep schedule back on track. But if your sleep troubles persist, do not hesitate to contact your trusted medical practitioner. They might help you figure out if there is any other underlying cause or provide medication if the sleep disorder is severe. 
