Welcome to the latest edition of my Weekly Newsletter—a space where I share personal insights into my journey toward better health, spiritual growth, and wellness product discoveries. Whether you’re looking to learn something new, adopt healthy habits, or get inspired by life lessons, this newsletter is your one-stop guide to becoming a better version of yourself.

As I reflect on my life, particularly after a recent life-changing pilgrimage, I’ve learned valuable lessons about patience, self-improvement, and embracing a spiritual path. My mission is to share these lessons with you and offer practical tips you can apply to your life today.

Key Takeaways:

  • Life-changing experiences can lead to deeper spiritual connections and personal growth.
  • Daily health habits like walking, better sleep, and cold showers have transformative effects on mental clarity and physical health.
  • Focusing on natural, plant-based products helps support a healthier, sustainable lifestyle.

My Journey Through Spiritual Discovery and Health Improvement

This year has flown by incredibly fast—it’s already June, and I’ve been traveling since January 6th! Time has a way of slipping through our fingers when we’re deeply immersed in transformative experiences. Recently, I embarked on a pilgrimage that took me to Tibet, Everest Base Camp (EBC), and through a sacred Kora around Mount Kailash and Lake Mansarovar. It was one of the most challenging but rewarding journeys of my life.

Why the Mount Kailash Pilgrimage Was Crucial to Me

Born into a Hindu family, I’ve been surrounded by spiritual traditions my whole life. In Hinduism, Mount Kailash is revered as the abode of Lord Shiva, the deity of creation and destruction. It’s believed that only those who are called by Shiva can successfully undertake this sacred journey, which makes me feel extremely blessed and privileged to have completed my first Kora (circumambulation) around the mountain.

Though I consider myself more spiritual than religious, my devotion to Lord Shiva has been transformative. I see Shiva as not just a deity but a universal force within all of us—a force that brings balance and clarity.

In my 20s and early 30s, I wasn’t fully engaged in spiritual practices. I would accompany my family to temples, participate in Poojas (prayers), but my heart was never truly in it. That all changed during a life-defining moment in 2021 when both of my parents contracted COVID-19 and were in serious condition. It was during this period of uncertainty that I felt an undeniable call from Lord Shiva.

Since that time, my connection to him has grown immensely. This pilgrimage to Mount Kailash became a milestone in that journey, allowing me to express my gratitude, deepen my faith, and connect with the divine on a more personal level.

Key Lessons from My Pilgrimage

Spiritual journeys are often accompanied by powerful life lessons. During my Kora, I encountered a challenge that forced me to slow down—a metaphor for life, really. I wanted to move quickly, but I ended up walking alongside an older, slower individual. Initially, this frustrated me. But soon I realized that maybe my purpose wasn’t just to complete the Kora; it was also to help this person finish theirs.

This experience reminded me that life is not a race. Sometimes, it’s essential to put others before ourselves, to move at a pace that allows us to appreciate the journey, not just the destination. Helping someone complete their spiritual quest became just as rewarding, if not more so, than finishing my own. It taught me the value of patience, empathy, and walking life’s path with kindness.

Books That Have Been Inspiring Me Lately

  • Don't Worry: 48 Lessons on Achieving Calm – A thoughtful guide to staying centered amidst life’s chaos.
  • Framework on How to Achieve Growth in Your Personal and Professional Life – A blueprint for balancing personal ambitions with professional success.
  • Courage To Be Disliked – This one dives deep into how we perceive criticism and how freeing ourselves from the need for approval can lead to a more authentic life.

Each of these books offers valuable lessons, and I’ll be sharing insights from them in upcoming newsletters. Stay tuned!

Improving My Health: Daily Steps for Wellness

  • Getting back to 10K steps per day: Walking daily has incredible health benefits, from improving cardiovascular health to boosting mental clarity.
  • Better sleep: I’ve adopted a new routine to get more sleep, and it’s paying off. More sleep means better focus, more energy, and a healthier mind.
  • Using sleep tape: This is an experimental tool I’ve started using to improve my breathing while I sleep. Early results have been promising!
  • Cold showers: Yes, they’re as challenging as they sound, but they’ve been a game-changer. Try taking cold showers for 30 days, and I guarantee you’ll notice a transformation in your energy, mood, and resilience.

My Mission: Creating Healthier Products for a Better World

Health isn’t just about personal habits—it’s also about the products we consume. I’m on a mission to make the world a healthier place by developing the world’s best plant-based products. Every product I create is designed to help people lead a healthier, plant-based lifestyle, one step at a time.

By focusing on natural ingredients and sustainable practices, my goal is to provide alternatives that make you feel amazing from the inside out. Keep an eye out for future newsletters where I’ll share updates on new product developments and how they can enhance your wellness journey.

Wrapping Up This Week’s Newsletter

Thank you for taking the time to read this week’s newsletter! I hope my insights, whether from my spiritual pilgrimage or my ongoing journey toward better health, have provided you with some food for thought and practical steps to apply to your own life. I love hearing from my readers, so if you have any feedback, feel free to reply to this email. Your thoughts and experiences are always welcome.


  • What is a Kora, and why is it significant? A Kora is a circumambulation, often around a sacred site like Mount Kailash. It holds spiritual significance as it represents purifying the mind and soul.
  • Why are cold showers beneficial for health? Cold showers can improve circulation, boost mood, and enhance skin health. They’re also known for building resilience and improving mental toughness.
  • How can sleep tape improve your health? Sleep tape helps encourage nasal breathing, which can improve sleep quality by reducing snoring and enhancing oxygen intake.
  • Why is Mount Kailash important in Hinduism? Mount Kailash is believed to be the home of Lord Shiva, making it one of the most sacred mountains in Hindu tradition.
  • What are some simple ways to improve health daily? Focus on small habits like walking 10K steps a day, getting quality sleep, and incorporating mindfulness practices to boost overall wellness.
  • How do plant-based products contribute to better health? Plant-based products are often rich in nutrients, free from harmful chemicals, and can support long-term health by promoting a balanced diet and sustainable lifestyle.
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