The only newsletter you need to achieve your health goals.

Welcome to Awesome Health Club 🥳

About me

Hi! I’m KD

I've failed many times in life, especially on my health journey 😢

Looking back, I see that my failures happened because I tried to do too much too quickly, leading to burnout. Therefore, I couldn't stick with my nutrition or workouts for long, and not seeing results made it easy for me to quit. Since starting my health and wellness journey in 2017, I've learned a lot along the way.


My mission with Awesome Health Club is to share all my knowledge and experience around what worked for me and help you avoid the same mistakes I’ve made. Whether it’s nutrition, fitness, or mindfulness, I believe small, consistent changes can lead to big transformations.

I know change is hard, so take small daily steps, create those habits, trust the process, and see how they compound over time. You are just one decision step away from changing your life.

Remember to never give up on yourself
